Remove cDNA synthesis adaptors¶
Quality check of the raw data¶
Results of the quality check of the raw data can be used as a reference point to check the improvements done by this step.
mkdir $OUT
fastqc --outdir=$OUT --noextract --threads=$CPUS $IN/*.fastq
Split the files by multiplex tags¶
If you used multiplexing during library preparation, your reads have either already been split in your sequencing facility, or you have to split the reads according to the ‘barcodes’ stored in the sequences yourself.
- for 454, this is done by
, you have to convert resulting sff files to fastq format - for Illumina this can be done e.g. by eautils
mkdir -p $OUT
parallel -j 1 sfffile -s RLMIDs -o $OUT/{/.} {} ::: $IN/*.sff
Remove cDNA synthesis primers with cutadapt¶
Another source of noise in the data is the primers that were used for reverse transcription
of mRNA and for the following PCR amplification of cDNA. We remove them using cutadapt
If you have more or less than three primers, you have to change the command by adding/removing
# data from previous steps
mkdir $OUT
# cut out the evrogen sequences using GNU parallel and cutadapt
# cutadapt supports only 'N' wildcards, no ambiguity codes
parallel -j $CPUS "cutadapt --anywhere=$PRIMER1 --anywhere=$PRIMER2 --anywhere=$PRIMER3 \
--error-rate=0.2 --overlap=15 --minimum-length=40 \
--output=$OUT/{/.}.fastq --rest-file=$OUT/{/.}.rest {}" ::: $IN/*.fastq > $OUT/cutadapt.log
Check the results¶
It is necessary to check the results of adaptor cutting.
First you can check how many of the primers were missed by cutadapt. agrep
uses a different
matching algorithm than cutadapt, so some remaining hits are usually found.
is used as the second input to agrep
so the filenames are output.
parallel agrep -c -$NERR "$PRIMER3" {} /dev/null ::: $OUT/*.fastq|grep -v /dev
The next thing to check is the logs produced by cutadapt
Results for our data - 454 Titanium data from Smart kit synthesized cDNA:
- ~70% trimmed reads
- ~10% trimmed basepairs
- ~10% too short reads
grep -A5 Processed $OUT/cutadapt.log | less
The mean length of the removed sequences should be close to length of the adapter (31 in this case):
less $OUT/cutadapt.log
# Lengths of removed sequences (5')
# length count expected
# 5 350 264.7
# 6 146 66.2
# ...
# 30 6414 0.0
# 31 63398 0.0
# 32 6656 0.0
# ...
The size of the .rest
files is 1/500 of the .fastq
(should be 1/250 for .fasta
ls -l $OUT
The fastqc
checks should be +- ok.
fastqc --outdir=13-fastqc --noextract --threads=8 $OUT/*.fastq
Visual debugging¶
If something in the previous checks looks weird, look directly at the data. Substitute filenames below with the names of your files.
Look where the primers are in the sequence. tre-agrep
is used to color the output of agrep
, because
throughput is ~ 42 MB/s while tre-agrep
throughput is ~ 2 MB/s.
agrep -n -$NERR "$PRIMER3" $FQFILE |tre-agrep -$NERR "$PRIMER3" --color|less -S -R
To find out how many differences should be allowed in the pattern matching, we try to find a value of NERR
where the primer sequence starts to match randomly inside the reads, and not only in at the beginning.
Notice the ^
in the first command, marking the start of the read.
agrep -c -$NERR "^$PRIMER3" $FQFILE && agrep -c -$NERR "$PRIMER3" $FQFILE
# numbers for tag-cleaned G59B..
# 4 errors: 11971 12767
# 5 errors: 16366 17566
# 6 errors: 17146 23858
# 7 errors: 18041 67844
In our sample results, numbers start to diverge for NERR
> 5, so 5 is a good choice.
Read count statistics¶
For a single file:
# read count statistics
# @ can be in the beginning of quality string, so filter the rows in order
# count of sequences
awk '((NR%4) == 1)' $FQFILE | wc -l
# or more effective
echo $(( $(wc -l $FQFILE) / 4 ))
# count of sequenced bases
awk '((NR%4) == 2)' $FQFILE | wc -m
For all files in OUT
# parallel, IO bound task, so run one process a time
echo "read_count base_count filename"
parallel -j 1 'echo $( gawk "((NR%4) == 1)" {} | wc -l ) $( gawk "((NR%4) == 2)" {} | wc -m ) {}' ::: $OUT/*.fastq